About Us

Will to live offers gentle caring assistance to Seniors and Persons with disabilities. Will to live will work with you to create a custom care plan to fit your specific needs.
With over 30 years of experience in the care industry, we know what individuals and families experience when searching for home care solutions. It is our #1 Goal to provide a compassionate, dignified, and respectful care experience.
We are waiting to hear from you! We look forward to providing a caring solution.
-Standby Assistance with morning and/or evening Routines
-Bathing & Showering Assistance
-Personal Hygiene Care & Assistance
-Aid with Uses of the Restroom
-Assistance with clothing selection and dressing needs
-Personal Appearance Care
Make Up
Hair Styling | Maintenance Needs
Barbering and Shaving Needs
-Muscle Maintenance | Physical Activity
-Incontinence Care
-Additional Services available
Call us to get a custom care plan
and quote!
Stay Active
Will to live has a great muscle rejuvenation package to help get or maintain an active life style!

Anyone who has experienced seeing a loved one go through a chronic illness knows that it can be one of the most painful things that you can experience. My beloved, vibrant and well-cultured aunt was diagnosed with end stage renal disease which eventually ravished her body and mind. Aaron was truly a ray of sunshine during this challenging stage in her life and our family. Aaron exhibited a patience and tenderness for her that I had never seen in a caretaker. He had an uncanny ability to soothe her with calm words and affirmation that he would always be there. You see, I had to work and many other family members couldn’t take care of her. As a result, Aaron became her primary caregiver. I personally witnessed how he would ensure she ate a well-balanced meal, cleaned her body and provided transportation to her many doctor’s appointments. Not only did Aaron provide support for my aunt, he also allowed my family to have peace of mind knowing that all of her needs and desires would be met. He worked tirelessly to ensure she was mentally stimulated by providing music, engaging in intriguing conversations and went on mini trips. It was because of Aaron’s meticulous care that we were able to enjoy many more years with our aunt. I was able to see a mirror of pure love and dedication. It is with unabridged confidence that I’d recommend Aaron McClain to be anyone’s caretaker. People like Aaron are one in a million and could only be gifted by God to provide a heart of compassion to the most vulnerable

The time that was spent when Aaron was caring for my dad was really Comforting for all my family. We knew he cared for my dad and also my mom who has dementia although she wasn't his Responsibility he always made sure she was Cared for as best as he could. My dad really enjoyed his time with Aaron when he was caring for him very thoughtful very gentle and most of all he felt safe with him. My dad knew He wouldn't fall and always make sure my dad was comfortable . When Aaron was on duty he was relaxed. His sense of humor his smile always made everyone in our family so grateful that he was caring for our dad we could tell genuinely He was there for more than a job. For the months Aaron took care my dad we considered him a part of the family he was always available and when not he made sure That a substitute would be caring for my dad in his absence. Although my dad has passed I would consider Aaron caring for any family member that needs to be cared for in the future.

I’ve consistently been a client of “A will to live” for about 10 years and l am a staunch believer in the services that they provide.
The caregivers they provide are compassionate, concerned, professionals who display advanced skills. They take time to listen and thoroughly provide progress of my loved ones during each session; ensuring that my concerns are addressed. Not only that, they are always positive and encouraging, making a point to know what is going on in my life as well. Which is a definite plus!
My experience with “A will to live” has been nothing less than a dream come true! With other main stream companies I have always felt walked over and my concerns for my loved ones were never heard! A will to live has
never made me feel like we have to rush through any of my own sessions and consistently provides encouragement and support with follow up phone calls. I also appreciate that their very thoughtful each time we meet.
I appreciate the fact that while my loved one was taken care of I could also benefit from the muscle stimulation package myself, done with excellent skill and customer service. Lastly, the fact that he operates with excellence and does so with compassion and care, not only makes me a satisfied client, it makes me a walking billboard!